Scientific Research Projects

Following is the deck of MIT’s field research I participated in

Following is the deck of Harvard’s online research I participated in

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Following is the first five pages of Harvard’s research projects paper I participated in.

Journal:Knowledge-Based Systems, classified inSCI Q1

The paper introduces an innovative multi-criteria decision-making model that incorporates machine learning to enhance transport safety planning or G20 countries.

Following is the paper of MIT’s online research projects I participated in.

The paper review provides a comprehensive overview of 2D filler-based composites, encompassing a wide range of materials such as ceramics, metal oxides, carbon compounds, MXenes, clays, boron nitride, and others. In a general sense, the incorporation of 2D fillers into polymer nanocomposite dielectrics can result in a significant enhancement in the energy storage capability, even at low filler concentrations.

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On October 22, 2024, I participated in the World Science and Technology Development Forum as one of the 10 students from Beijing.

Founded in 2019 by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the World Science and Technology Development Forum aims to gather global intelligence, inspire innovative ideas and set up a non-governmental platform for scientific and technological exchanges, so as to provide sci-tech power and global solutions for sustainable development.

Themed “Science and Technology for the Future”, the 2024 World Science and Technology DevelopmentForum will hold thematic sessions, roundtable dialogues, and exchange activities featuring Al Governanceinnovation (Intelligence), Interdisciplinary Science (Interdisciplinary), Open Science Infrastructures(Infrastructures), Innovative Applications for Intelligent Manufacturing (Innovation), Harmonious Coexistenceof Nature and Humanity (Interaction), and World Cooperation for Science and Technology (Integration). It iscommitted to building a platform fordialogue and exchange among scientists from all countries to promoteopenness, trust, and cooperation in the international scientificcommunity. We warmly welcome colleaguesfrom the world of education, technology, and business to gather together and jointly discuss technology andthe future.